Please Note: Payments can take up to three business days before they post to your water account. The City of Phoenix Water Services Department treats and distributes tap water to 1.5 million customers daily over a 540 square mile service area. Pay station locations, business hours and other payment options. You can call us at 60 during regular business hours. Pay City Services Bill (Water, Sewer, Trash) Online Pay your bill online with our easy to use web application. If your account is about to be shut off or has been shut off for delinquency, you cannot pay your bill online. This complain is for the City Of Phoenix, City Water Services Bill.I have been living in this property for 14 months, my regular water usage is 2 - 4 units per month. City of Phoenix Water Bill Payment Online Residents of phoenix city can use quick bill pay facility in official Phoenix city services website â& x20AC & x201C for. For your security and protection, enhanced security practices are in effect which require an email address and credit card CCV number (the 3-digit number located on the back of your credit card) when making credit card payments. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card and American Express.

We appreciate your patience, thank you for using the City of Phoenix E-services. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. until Sunday, Maat approximately 10:15 A.M. Your credit or debit card information - You will need the credit card number, expiration date, card holder name, and the address where your credit card bills are mailed. All payment services will be unavailable on Saturday, Mabeginning at 9:45 PM.Your City Services Bill - You will need the account number and service address from the bottom portion of your bill in order to access the payment system.On this page, find options to view or pay your city services bill, sign up for paperless billing, update your account information, or find payment locations.