DON’T: Worry about giving me credit for these layouts.
Free imvu avatar page free#
DO: Feel free to make your own IMVU layout site if you wish! The more choice people have out there, the better and I’ll be very happy to link to your site and even help out with setting it up (took me AGES to find the right WordPress plugin to show raw HTML!). My IMVU avatar name is IShotCookieMonster8D. So, a pre-emptive note, don’t pretend to be me and don’t believe anyone who says they are me. It got pretty huge (I once got 48k of hits in one day and despite the fact that I haven’t updated since 2007, I still got 51 visitors yesterday x.x) and before I knew it, not only were people selling the images that I was giving away for free, they also started to pose as me. This hasn’t happened yet, but I used to run a website for another social network site where I helped people get around the filter that prevented images being shown on their pages (harmless images, like pictures of cats and pink hearts, that sort of stuff). Just don’t claim you made the whole layout and/or sell it on. Found a DIV and wanna turn it into an iFrame? If you have the skills, feel free to stick some buttons over it and change the coding. So not only is it bad to do, you’ll get caught and reported to IMVU mods. And even if you do and you don’t care what I think: People at IMVU do, six people have been caught trying to sell my layouts but before any of them could make a sale, someone jumped in and showed the link to this site. As long as you’re using my images (in any way, shape or form) or copying the coding (in any way, shape or form), you’re using something I made and spent time on. I don’t care if you’ve changed the image or changed the coding. DON’T: Sell these layouts in any way, shape or form. Just don’t claim you made the whole layout and of course: Don’t sell. You can even keep my coding and change the image to what you want. If you’re starting out, I find studying other people’s work a good way to know what does what and how it works. DO: Use these layouts as a guide to make your own. ^-^ Lets Start With Some Rules DON’T: Claim these layouts were made by you or anyone else. You can check out the gallery, look at the tutorials, or sign up to be a helper for this page. So don’t be afraid to browse around this website. WARNING- If you want a personally made layout, go to my shop.
Free imvu avatar page how to#
Well guess what? It’s your lucky day! This website is all about free layouts and how to add it to your homepage. It keeps growing because it's a look at things to come. Social media users have more or less hidden behind avatars and screen names since the bulletin board days IMVU simply takes it to new levels. A Google image search will let you peep through IMVU's portal, if you're curious. There's a lot to do and to learn, including a whole subculture. But, like a lot of things, you have to experience IMVU to understand it. We had no problems whatsoever with IMVU's interface or with the people we met. We're not going to bore you or amuse you with our personal exploits, except to say we're all noobs once. There's also a security question to make sure you're not a machine.

To create a screen name and password, you'll have to provide some info, such as date of birth and a valid email address. The avatars are all young, attractive, and a bit edgy, but in different (and good) ways. There are nine each of male and female avatars to choose from, and you can choose from either set on IMVU, you can't judge anyone or take anything for granted, and you have to interact with people to learn about them. Signing up for IMVU is easy and starts with choosing a free avatar. It's a fun way to learn stuff like how to run a small business or market a product, too. You can design, make, buy, and sell things like clothes and accessories, earn credit in IMVU's virtual economy, and get noticed. But IMVU is much more than a 3D chat room: it's a real simulated world (or the real world, simulated). As with other virtual communities, you can make friends among IMVU's millions of users. IMVU is "the world's largest 3D Chat and Dress-Up community." Launched in 2004, Instant Messaging Virtual Universe is simple in concept: Combine the social networking power of IM chat with a 3D virtual "universe." Participants create elaborate new identities, called avatars, that give free rein to self-expression.